Structural change in research institutions. Enhancing excellence, gender equality and efficiency in research and innovation, Rapport de la Commission européenne, juillet 2012

Rapport de la Commission européenne, juillet 2012 The key role given to research and innovation in striving towards a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe means that the EU should make full use of its human capital – thereby involving both men and women. Evidence shows that research performance Lire la suite…

Étude de faisabilité relative à la création d’un master interuniversitaire en études de genre en Belgique, Rapport Sophia, 2011

Le Réseau belge des études de genre Sophia-asbl, a mené une étude de faisabilité relative à la création d’un master inter-universitaire en études de genre en Belgique. Cette étude a été réalisée par Catherine Wallemacq et Lisa Wouters, sous la direction de Stéphanie Loriaux et Petra Meier. Télécharger le rapport Lire la suite…

Gender Studies Tuning Brochure: Tuning Educational Structures in Europe. Reference Points for the Design and Delivery of Degree Programs in Gender Studies, Athena & ATGENDER, octobre 2010

This Gender Studies Tuning Brochure is the result of over a decade of intensive cooperation and exchange in Gender Studies in Europe. United by a shared interest in the interdisciplinary field of Gender Studies, educators, researchers, students, activists and professionals involved in gender equality established Athena, a network in advanced Lire la suite…

The gender challenge in research funding. Assessing the European national scenes, Rapport de la Commission Européenne, 2009

The Gender and Excellence expert group was set up to provide recommendations on the improvement of transparency in the procedures used in selection committees for the award of grants and fellowships and in access to research funding in general. This report gives an analysis of the gender dynamics among applicants, Lire la suite…