Présentation d’un guide pratique pour la prise en compte du genre dans les institutions de recherche, le 28 février 2017 à Bruxelles.

The Science Europe Working Group on Gender and Diversity has championed the provision of equal opportunities since 2014, to strengthen national research organisations and promote scientific excellence. It is now releasing the results of its recent work in the form of a practical guide to ‘Improving Gender Equality in Research Organisations’.

This practical guide is structured around three crucial issues:
■ How to avoid unconscious bias in peer-review processes
■ How to monitor gender equality
■ How to improve grant management practices

It makes concrete suggestions on how to implement effective change by recommending specific measures and includes many ‘good practice examples’ from Science Europe Member Organisations.

The Practical Guide will be officially released at a workshop on 28 February at the Science Europe Office. The findings and recommendations of the Working Group on Gender and Diversity for the three main topics will be presented. These will be followed by a panel discussion with key stakeholders and an open discussion with all participants.

Please register before 13 February 2017 through Registration will be handled on a first-come, first-serve basis and registration may be closed early if capacity is reached. A draft agenda is included with the invitation. Please feel free to forward this invitation to interested parties in your network. For any questions, contact the Science Europe Office at

Télécharger le programme du workshop (2 p.): 28 February Workshop Invitation

Télécharger le guide (en, 66 p.): SE_Gender_Practical-Guide

Catégories : Actualité